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Mega Mounts at SCI!

Some of the most amazing taxidermy work you will ever see is on display at SCI's convention every year.

Now That's a Mount!

Part of the fun for Scott Olmsted and other SCI Show attendees is the chance to take in some amazing taxidermy sights.

Fast Fact on the Walrus

Get a look at one of the more unique sights from SCI.

Magnificent Mounts!

Get a closer look at some of the taxidermy examples that Karen Mehall has spotted on the floor of the SCI show.

More Beautiful Mounts from SCI

There's no shortage of impressive taxidermy work on the floor of Safari Club International's Annual Hunters' Convention.

Playing the Numbers Game at the SCI Convention

Safari Club International’s 42nd annual convention may be in Las Vegas, but attendees can play the numbers game without ever entering a casino.

Dipped Deer Skulls

If you don't want to invest in the price of a full taxidermy mount, consider having your deer skull dipped with a cool pattern.

A Ride-Along with Stewards of Africa's Wild

Africa keeps its wildlife wild and free only by adhering to a strict conservation philosophy that includes all stakeholders—government entities, ranchers, hunting outfits, professional hunters and human inhabitants in the bush—putting skin in the game.

Pennsylvania Women Engage in Taxidermy Duel

Folks are doing a lot of neat things with taxidermy nowadays. What you don't see much of, though, is people calling upon taxidermy in a fight. Until last week, that is.

Wilder World's "Best Of" Whitetail Entries

It's time to look back—in this case, at some of the best whitetail-related "Wilder World" entries thus far. Strap in, folks, this could get bumpy.

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