
Behind the Bullet: .243 Winchester

While there are many cartridges that can handle medium-sized game, the .243 Winchester sits at the top of the heap for good reasons: it’s accurate, easy on the shoulder and delivers enough energy for the task at hand.

Tick Threat High for the Northeast

New York’s Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies anticipates a bad year for ticks in the northeastern United States. Its predictions are based on a simple trend: more mice mean more ticks, and an increase in Lyme disease the following year.

Today’s Quail Paradise

The Southeast had its glory with Gentleman Bobwhite. Now it’s time for Wild West Bob, the roughest, toughest, meanest quail this side of the Pecos. Yee-haw!

Gundogs: Take a Summer Swim

The dog days of July and August are a misnomer. Hunting dogs need action, but it’s too hot for exercise. Neither old Drake nor young Lady can afford to vegetate now. Hunting season is just around the corner. In a month or two they’ll launch all-out assaults on fields and meadows, woods and waters. How do you get them in shape for that without killing them?

Hardware: Merkel 40E

Mechanical beauty is more than skin deep. And the Merkel 40E has just that kind of beauty.

Your Post-Opening Day Playbook

Opening day has come and gone. What now? Frank Miniter offers a few pointers.

The Ultimate Setup for Running Game

Need help getting set up for running game? Field Editor Jeff Johnston has a few pointers.

Why a Hunting Dog?

Guys and gals, if you’re going to put up with the expense and inconvenience of caring for a dog, why not care for one that can return the favor? One that can earn it’s keep? Working dogs are not just useful dogs, but happy, satisfied dogs. Fulfilled dogs. Dogs with a purpose in life.

How to Find the Right Gundog Breeder

While most breeders of sporting dogs are in it for the right reasons—namely to benefit their chosen breeds—anytime an endeavor involves the exchange of money, not everyone will operate above board. So, here’s how to find and vet potential breeders to ensure your goals and expectations align with their puppy program.

NRA Outdoors: Your Portal to Adventure

Learn more about the NRA Outdoors program, a potential gateway to all of your bucket list hunts.

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