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Trophy Dreams

I have just returned from my first scouting trip for the season. Out here in Wyoming scouting is a bit different than our whitetail hunting brethren do elsewhere—mostly in terms of scale.

The Best Venison Recipes Ever

This old whitetail hunter fell in love with venison years ago. Now I'm out to prove that it's more than just another game meat.

Blaser R8

Like its predecessor, the R8 utilizes a straight-pull action that doesn’t require lifting and rotating the bolt.

Why I Always Carry

The tragic shootings in Tucson recently have refueled the debate over so-called “reasonable” gun control measures. Just as predictable, the hyperbole of gun banners is presented as fact by a collusionary media. Emotions run high on both sides of the argument. And while it might satisfy my emotions to counter each bit of the hyperbole, it certainly would not usher the argument to an acceptable conclusion. So, rather than engage in a defensive tit-for-tat that would lend credence to the other side’s exaggerations, I will explain why I almost always have a gun either on my body, or within arm’s reach.

How to Render and Use Wild Game Fat

A meat's distinctive flavors reside in the fat, and with wild animals, it is all dependent on what they have been eating and where they came from.

How to Convince a Vegetarian to Eat Wild Game

Many people avoid meat on health, moral or environmental grounds, but according to the author, there is no excuse to not eat wild game.

America's Top 5 Wild-Game Meats

We can win the hearts and minds of non-hunters by being outspoken and resourceful users of our country's renewable source of wild-game meat.

5 Things Kids Can Teach Us About Hunting

While there is much we can teach our kids about hunting, fishing, conservation and the environment, more often than not they can teach us, too.

What a Sniper Can Teach You About Hunting

Snipers are taught to avoid becoming targets by reducing the presence of indicators that help hostile forces detect them. The main things that will get you noticed in any environment are unnatural movements, sounds, smells and poor camouflage. A former Special Forces soldier reveals how his military training and the philosophies surrounding it can benefit hunters.

Hunting’s Greatest Threats

While some hunting threats are old battles that have raged for decades, others might surprise and even provoke you.

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