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What's Your Dream Duck?

Every time the sun crests a duck hunter’s decoys, there’s a unique kind of anticipation. All hunters eagerly await what the day might bring, but the diverse list of species that may greet the American waterfowler is unrivaled.

Know-How: Why Motion Kills

Waterfowlers love wind. Because birds typically land into it, wind helps to channel ducks and geese in a definitive direction so you can set your spread and hide accordingly. It also moves the decoys, which makes them look more realistic and therefore more likely to fool your quarry.

Recipe: Duck Crust Pizza with Dried Fruit and Feta

Lean ground duck makes a fantastic base for a unique crust, and topped with dried fruit and feta, this pizza is perfect for those looking for a new and exciting meal.

What the Big Waterfowl Survey Numbers Tell Us about This Year’s Duck Season

Can we assume that an estimated eight percent jump in breeding ducks means we'll all see more birds at our blinds come fall?

How to Make Duck Confit

Confit is a centuries-old method for salt curing a piece of meat, usually goose, duck or sometimes hog, then poaching it in its own fat.


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