
Must-Have Targets for 2018

Want to stay sharp during the off-season? These targets will keep you on point throughout the summer.

The Long Shot

As a general rule it seems that the less field experience a given pundit has, the more he is in favor of taking pokes at critters nearly a mile away.

How to Build Killer Confidence Behind Your Rifle

Before fall big-game seasons begin, it’s important to build confidence in your rifle, ammo and optics—and how you perform with them in hand. To do so, it pays to put in practical range time, shooting not only from field positions but also building skill at quick, accurate follow-up shots.

Summer Prep for Western Big Game

Here’s how to prepare yourself and your rifle to avoid a swing-and-a-miss.

Shoot, And Shoot More Often

Lessons learned regarding follow-up shots by a PH with a lifetime of experience in Africa apply to big-game hunters anywhere.


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