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Gun Control in the 1750s

Many of us feel that gun control began as a 20th century issue. However, I attended a lecture today at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyo. that put forth a different perspective.

The War On Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies

While attacks on the Second Amendment are all too common in today’s politically charged climate, advocates fighting for our right to self-defense and the right to bear arms now have a powerful new tool in The War On Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies, the latest book by John R. Lott Jr.

Does England Have a Lower Violent Crime Rate?

Whether we like it or not, gun control has re-emerged as a hot button political and social issue in the U.S. A lot of so-called truths are being thrown around by everyone with access to a microphone, but what are the facts?

89 Percent of NRA Members Oppose a Semi-Auto Ban

Think the national news media reports the truth? Think again. For weeks now, gun-control advocates have claimed data they have collected indicate a majority of NRA members support an assault-weapon ban.

Bloomberg Wages War on NRA

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will spend $50 million to spread his gun-control agenda across the country with his newly formed group, Everytown for Gun Safety.

The Biden Administration’s Backdoor Attack on Hunters

In the midst of all the executive orders and fast-moving gun-control legislation in Congress, some might be missing out on the fact that President Biden’s nominee for Secretary of the Interior—Rep. Debra Haaland—could be a disaster for hunters.

Why I Always Carry

The tragic shootings in Tucson recently have refueled the debate over so-called “reasonable” gun control measures. Just as predictable, the hyperbole of gun banners is presented as fact by a collusionary media. Emotions run high on both sides of the argument. And while it might satisfy my emotions to counter each bit of the hyperbole, it certainly would not usher the argument to an acceptable conclusion. So, rather than engage in a defensive tit-for-tat that would lend credence to the other side’s exaggerations, I will explain why I almost always have a gun either on my body, or within arm’s reach.

NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre Accepts Ice Bucket Challenge

Wayne LaPierre accepted the ice bucket challenge and has now passed the challenge along to Karl Malone, NASCAR driver Austin Dillon and Lt. Col. Oliver North.

Annoy a Liberal: Buy a Gun

Remember when we heard 2015 Black Friday gun sales set another record? That’s just the tip of the iceberg as it concerns gun-buying trends headed into 2016.

ATF Not Moving Forward With 5.56 M855 Ammo Ban

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) has announced that it will suspend its proposed framework to ban M855 ammunition.

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