
Southbound Teal

The arrival of September means a lot of things, not the least of which is the opening of teal season. Are you ready?

2012's Top 10 Gifts for Hunters

It's time of year once more: The holidays are upon us. With most seasons in full swing, there's not a lot of time for hunters to go shopping—so we're going to help you out. Have a fellow hunter or two on your shopping list this year? Here are 10 Christmas gifts that any hunter would be happy to unwrap in 2012.

Cutting It Close: Sharp Gift Ideas

Can’t think of what to get that special shooter/hunter/outdoorsman on your list? You know, the man, woman or kid who already appears to have it all? Take our word for it, anyone who likes to pull a trigger, bag a game animal and/or be prepared for the worst will like getting a knife … er, another knife. You can never have too many blades, and so here are some last-minute cues to can't-miss gifts.

Enchanted Evening

Some gifts from elk country can’t be earned, only absorbed.

Best Online Resources for Wild Game

With the holidays coming, it’s about that time for party hosts and hostesses everywhere to start racking their brains for ways to impress their guests with creative, unique dishes. Need help getting started? Here are some of Georgia Pellegrini’s favorite online resources for wild game cooking tips.

2013 Holiday Gift Guide for Hunters

The holiday shopping season has once again arrived, and there's no shortage of gifts out there for a hunter or huntress. That said, finding the right one amidst a flooded marketplace—particularly on short notice—can be a challenge. Fortunately for you, the hardworking elves we have here at AmericanHunter.org have put together this handy 2013 Holiday Gift Guide.

A Puppy Shower Wish List

Raising a gundog puppy is, in at least a few ways, similar to raising a newborn child. As Kyle Wintersteen notes, maybe it's time for hunters start borrowing a few well-known, baby-related traditions.

Meet in the Middle, In Waterfowl Heaven

The miles between two pals are nothing when the halfway point is the duck-loaded Chesapeake Bay. A weekend retreat to this storied mecca of all things fowl was just what they needed to collect new yarns to spin in the offseason.

Playing the Numbers Game at the SCI Convention

Safari Club International’s 42nd annual convention may be in Las Vegas, but attendees can play the numbers game without ever entering a casino.

American Hunter's 2014 Holiday Gift Guide

Finding the right one amidst a flooded marketplace can be a challenge. In an effort to keep your holiday season stress levels to a minimum, the editors of American Hunter have assembled this handy 2014 Holiday Gift Guide.

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