
How to Hunt Coyotes Without Calls

Don’t quit the hunt when coyotes get call-shy. Instead, use these methods to find out what else has their attention, and then set up for an ambush.

Duck Commander Q&A

Just in time for the prime migration, our guy caught up with Duck Commander general manager Justin Martin to learn the tricks the pros use to fill their straps.

Trail Camera Tricks for Predator Scouting

Think your trail cameras have no use after big-game season? Think again. Try these tactics to capture predators on camera, and then go hunt them.

Deer Trust Their Ears

While large, multi-directional ears are formidable tools in a whitetail's bag of tricks, new studies are providing insight into the range, complexity—and limits—of deer hearing.

How to Successfully Debate Anti-Hunters

Debating an anti-hunter can quickly become a lesson in futility if you don’t have your arguments in order. Our author passes on a few tricks learned from a recent seminar on the topic.

Summer Prep for Western Big Game

Here’s how to prepare yourself and your rifle to avoid a swing-and-a-miss.

How to Tune a Box Call

Have an old box call that’s seen better days? Here are some tricks to bring your beard-buster back to life.

Know-How: Make Gun Cleaning Easy

Try these tips and tricks to make cleaning your guns a task you won’t hate.

Recipe: Citrus and Cranberry Roasted Wild Turkey

The fruity stuffing in this recipe is full of moisture and will infuse your wild turkey meat with wonderful hints of Thanksgiving.

Recipe: Sweet and Sour Venison with Pineapple

Those in need of a quick, tasty meal will appreciate the simplicity of this recipe that the whole family will enjoy.

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