
One Lucky Day

Friday the 13th turned out to be the best day in January to hunt a Utah cat with a Ruger revolver.

Deer Camp USA: Millwood Hunt Club

Honor, hounds and heritage are the hallmarks of an Alabama camp that traces its roots to the 19th century.

Choosing a Cartridge for North America's Big Game

North America has a wide variety of huntable species, inhabiting many different types of terrain. While there are a few cartridges that can truly be called all-around choices, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with picking a cartridge that perfectly suits the game at hand.

Review: Trijicon RMR

The Trijicon RMR (Rugged Miniaturized Reflex) Sight is a lightweight, user-friendly LED sight with 1x magnification that makes target acquisition a breeze, yet allows for precise shot placement at further ranges.

Lion Hearts

Decades of lion-hunting experience runs through the veins of the Mecham family of Utah.

How to Choose a Hog Hunting Cartridge

What's a "enough gun" for pig hunting? Craig Boddington has the answer.

Pig Hunters of the World Unite

It’s time hunters of the world’s most widespread game got some respect!

Deer on the Other Side of the World

Here’s why some hunters will go all the way to New Zealand to experience what we already know.

The Heart of the Hunter

Hunting horns, hunt terriers and running game set the stage for Old World adventure on a driven hunt in Germany.

Self-Avowed Prepper

Getting ready for mountain lion.

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