Where's the Ammo?

It is consumer demand that keeps supplies of ammo nationwide low—and prices high. To figure out why, you might ask your neighbor.

Diver Follies

For every strap filled with diving ducks, the author returns home empty-handed and broken three times over, yet he doggedly does it again and again. Is he insane? You decide.

Deer in the Long Grass

Pockets of plum hold prairie mule deer and whitetails—a few little ones. For more bucks and big antlers, look in the grass.

Taking Your Gun to Canada

Many hunters view Canada's vast landscape as something of a paradise. But you can't hunt the Great White North without a firearm or two in tow. Crossing the border with your favorite rifle or shotgun is very doable, but it's going to take a little paperwork. Here's what you need to do.

Traveling With Firearms

Follow these guidelines when traveling with firearms and ammunition.

Anti-Hunters Cry Foul, but Rhino Auction Benefits Species

Anti-hunters may not like the idea, but one animal dying to save the species is a small price to pay for conservation.

Mountain Lion Goes for Stroll in Hollywood Hills

Security cameras have captured footage of a mountain lion out for a just-before-dawn stroll through a residential area in Hollywood Hills, Calif.

Is It Safe to Hunt in Mexico? (Part 2)

Although news reports from Mexico have been alarming, NRA Publications' John Zent decided he needed to hunt there at least one more time and see for himself.

Is It Safe to Hunt Mexico? Part 3

In isolated incidents, American hunters have fallen victim to criminals in Mexico. Others enjoy successful outings. The key factor is to assess the risk where the hunt will take place and to be honest about one's personal risk tolerance.

Cyberbullies Aim for Rhino Auction, Hunters

Online, anonymous threats are leveled at those who engage in hunting, conservation.

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