
Join the Hunt: 5 Ways to Help Your Hunting Heritage

Supporting the next generation of hunters is crucial to our sport. Along with taking a newbie into the field to show him the ropes, there are several other behind-the-scenes opportunities to get involved and lend your experience to this worthy cause.

Illinois Adds Hunter Education to Schools

Illinois schools will soon have the option to provide hunter education as an in-class program or after-school activity to students across the state.

5 Reasons Why Hunters Should Attend The Bergara Academy

Here are some benefits of attending The Bergara Academy and what you can expect to learn while you're there.

The Grizzly Paradox

‘Permanent protection’ under the Endangered Species Act does not help wildlife, risks public support of the program.

Why Hunt?

Despite what the anti-hunting crowd would like non-hunters to believe, the ethos of hunting is rooted in something far deeper than trophies.

Tips and Tactics for Hunting Western Whitetails

Tactics that work for whitetails back East may not cut it for deer of the plains and mountains across the West.

An Ode to the .30-30 Winchester

The .30-30 Winchester remains a top-seller, and new rifles are continually produced for the veteran cartridge. Why would a short, slow, rimmed cartridge hang on the way the .30-30 has? There are several identifiable reasons.

Want Permission to Hunt Private Land? Write a Hunting Resume

Obtaining permission to hunt private property can be challenging, but landowners may be more inclined to grant access if you show them your hunting resume.

Just Call Him “Luke”: East Meets West in Montana

When Luke moved to the United States from China to attend MSU in 2012, he had never hunted. When he got to Montana, however, he found a lively and dedicated hunting culture, and it didn’t take him long to join in.

The NRA’s Campaign to Save Hunting

Fueled by passion and political clout, the NRA goes on record to save hunting’s future.

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