
Hunter-Friendly Custom Bed Sets from Camo Trading

You wear the patterns and logos all season long—so why not surround yourself with what you love when you're calling it a night, too?

Watch Where You Step, Eh?

No matter how careful you are in the field, sometimes it's just not your day—especially if you aren't watching where you step.

This Elk is Ready for His Close-Up

A photographer recently had a close-encounter with a young elk in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and brought back video of the incident.

Deer Breaks Into Minnesota Home, Battles Owner

Any self-aware homeowner worries about the chance that a bump in the night could turn out to be a real threat. A Minnesota couple, however, recently had a run in with a different breed of intruder—a very lost deer.

Two Spoonbills I'd Definitely Shoot

Kyle Wintersteen weighs in on a pair of unique spoonbills that Delta Waterfowl tweeted pictures of this season.

Member's Hunt: Blind Squirrels

NRA Member Tom Moore of Eatonville, Wash., has a message for all the hunters out there who have felt down on their luck in this story of deer hunting success.

An African Big-Game Hunt, Caprivi Style

Standing toe-to-toe with Earth’s largest land mammal makes one thing clear: Elephant hunting is not a task to be taken lightly.

Owl Attacks Rabbit Trapper's Face

Kevin O'Neil of Nova Scotia can confirm that owl's do, in fact, have large talons.

Oklahoma Hunter Tags 30-Point Drought Buck

Big bucks don’t grow on trees. They grow amid the trees by eating natural forage and, when a hunter does things right and hits a lucky streak, by eating forage planted by man. Just ask Brad Gaddis of Oklahoma.

African Trophies Shared

The reasons father and son go to Africa, and what they take home, far exceed hide and horn. After sharing a lifetime of hunting, it's only fitting that the author would head to Africa with his father by his side.

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