Michael Bloomberg Will Haunt You In The Afterlife

After his life as mayor of NYC, that is. Certain of his place in heaven, he announced plans to spend $50 million to spread his anti-gun arrogance across America.

Final Thoughts at the Great American Outdoor Show 2014

As the nine-day Harrisburg show comes to a close, American Hunter Executive Editor Adam Heggenstaller, a native Pennsylvanian and lifelong hunter, reflects on the "new" Great American Outdoor Show.

Great American Outdoor Show: Too Good to Miss

If you haven't attended the Great American Outdoor Show yet, there's still time, as the show runs through 5 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9. There's no better way to spend the day, especially with your kids or grandkids in tow.

Give it Back

Dave Campbell had a chance to introduce firearms to a new generation earlier this month at the "Sportsman's Retreat."

Does the AARP Still Want Your Guns?

AARP has provided services and benefits to people 50 and older for more than half a century, and has 40 million members—but is it anti-gun?

Do NRA Members Support an "Assault Weapon" Ban?

When data from a Bloomberg-funded poll suggests NRA members are against guns, it's time to investigate.

Rock River Coyote Carbine Review

Its superb accuracy and high-capacity magazine make the Coyote Carbine a great rifle for varmints or self-defense.

Suppressing Suppressor Myths

Suppressors, commonly but less accurately called silencers or “cans,” have been commercially available since 1908. Unfortunately for freedom-and hearing-cherishing Americans, they have been demonized by the anti-gun media largely due to their portrayal as “assassin tools” in Hollywood movies. In reality, however, suppressors are common in other countries because of the vast benefits they offer shooters and hunters. Here are few common myths about suppressors.

Hunting’s Greatest Threats

While some hunting threats are old battles that have raged for decades, others might surprise and even provoke you.

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