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The Almost Forgotten .357 Mag.

Is the .357 Mag. too often forgotten? Dave Campbell believes so—and admits to being guilty of forgetting it himself, sometimes.

That Ain't the Kind of PC We're Used to Seeing

Sure, there are plenty of long guns on display here at SCI, but hunters can admire the beauty of revolver like the S&W Model 686 PC, too.

Handguns For Deer

Are handguns in .357 Mag. powerful enough for deer?

Redneck Bowling

Dave Campbell's been off the grid for a little bit, thanks to a computer virus. He put the time to good use, though. Find out what he's been up to while he was away.

Handgun Hunting 101: The Mechanics

Whether getting started or renewing your vows, it’s time to get back to the handgun hunting basics.

The Singles Scene

Straight from the Swinging ’60s came two pistols that gave rise to the modern single-shot handguns we hunt with today.

Reacquainting With An Old Friend

It's good to reconnect with old friends, especially when they're Smith & Wesson Model 27's.

Positively Grizzly

What to know before hunting North America’s apex predator.

Packing Pistols In Bear Country

Carry guns can take many forms, but choosing one to wield in the wilderness deserves special considerations.

Hardware: Smith & Wesson Model 69 Combat Magnum

A handgun does no good on a shelf back in camp. But the trouble is, handguns chambered for cartridges appropriate for wilderness protection and/or big-game hunting tend to be a bit heavy. It’s common enough to head into the hunt with good intentions, but after a few exhausting days when even your shoelaces become too heavy, you often find a reason to leave the handgun behind.

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