
5 Reasons to Book an African Plains Game Safari Now

Here are five reasons why you need to book an African plains game hunt now.

Hunting the Black Bulls of Mozambique

A safari for Cape buffalo and sable may have its "dark" side, but this opportunity is surely one of the brightest combo hunts in present-day Africa.

Birth of a Lioness

The author had fond memories of hunting with his mother. Little did he know how fond he would become of hunting with the mother of his children.

Top 5 Monometal Soft-Point Bullets

The idea of a bullet lacking lead core is a relatively new one, yet it’s a sound design. Here are five of the finest monometal expanding bullets currently on the market.

Bullets for African Plains Game

You’ve probably heard that African dangerous game can absorb five hits from an Abrams tank and keep on charging. You’ve probably heard that kudu, eland, wildebeest and even impala are so tough from evading lions and leopards they’ll soak up bullets that would floor a North American brown bear. Nonsense.

Lead Core vs. Monometal Hunting Bullets

There’s no doubt that copper monometal bullets are here to stay. But are they so good that they warrant abandoning lead core ammo altogether? We take a look at the pros and cons of each style.

Chances on the Cuando

To hunt the rivers and floodplains of Namibia’s Caprivi Strip, even for antelope like red lechwe, you must accept a simultaneous status as prey.

Use a Small Enough Gun

Weighing as little as 10 pounds, southern Africa’s often overlooked miniature antelope species require just as much consideration over caliber as their larger plains-game counterparts.

Double Time

Zimbabwe’s Sengwa River may have dried up, but a Cape buffalo hunt along its banks provides meat to quell rumors that the game populations of the Chirisa Safari Area have dried up along with it.

African Trophies Shared

The reasons father and son go to Africa, and what they take home, far exceed hide and horn. After sharing a lifetime of hunting, it's only fitting that the author would head to Africa with his father by his side.

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