Your Best Stand

With the blizzard of media sources at our fingertips today, sometimes fundamentals get lost amid so much information. Bill Winke provides a few simple tips that may be getting overlooked.

Treestand Falls: Do They Require Formal Investigations?

Most state departments of natural resources investigate hunting-related shootings, and boating and OHV deaths, but they do not investigate treestand deaths; local police personnel do. Consequently, up to 73 percent of all reports of treestand falls do not list whether the victim was wearing a fall-restraint device.

Make the Most of October Cold Fronts

It may start to feel like fall this month, but many deer hunters still find little to no luck in the woods. Here’s how to make the most of your time when the rut is still weeks away.

The Hot Ticket in Winter

Nail the weather forecast and find the food to make the late season great. Here’s what you need to pull a big buck out of the bare woods this month.

12 Tips for the Rut

During the rut, the bucks themselves may not always know where they will be next, so how can you expect to know? Luck will always play a role in your success, but when you play the odds and focus on those things that are predictable, luck will find you a whole lot sooner.

Review: Top New Trail Cameras for 2017

We put some of the industry's latest and greatest trail cameras to the test. Here's how they each fared.

Nebraska Whitetails Rising

Nebraska uses the whitetail deer as a state symbol for good reason, as the author shares just how good trophy deer hunting has become in this Great Plains state.

On the Whitetail Clock

Whether we’re hunting the rut or keying on food sources, most deer hunters have a favorite day and magical hour for besting big bucks. What’s yours?

7 Huge Bucks to Pump You Up for Deer Season

Here’s a look back at some giant 2020 whitetails from across the United States that are sure to get you pumped for deer season.

10 Deer Hunting Tips to Take to the Bank

It took the author a decade to learn these lessons about when, where and how to hunt and kill big bucks. Some of them may not be big news, but any number of them should reveal something for anyone.

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