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South Dakota 15-Year-Old Wins National Junior Duck Stamp Art Contest

A young artist from South Dakota has taken top honors at the National Junior Duck Stamp Art Contest. A green-winged teal by 15-year-old Madison Grimm will grace the 2022-2023 Junior Duck Stamp, which raises funds to educate and engage our nation’s youth in wildlife and wetlands conservation and outdoor recreation.

South Carolina Legislature Increases Duck Stamp Fee

The South Carolina General Assembly has agreed to legislation that will enact a fee increase to the state’s migratory waterfowl permit, for the improvement of waterfowl habitat on Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs).

Join the Hunt: Armed with Conservation

In our zeal to teach hunter-recruits marksmanship and fieldcraft we must not forget to arm them with the knowledge of everything American hunters have done to conserve our natural resources. A well-armed hunter, after all, is our best advertisement.

Montana: Aerial Hunting of Wolves Runs Afoul of Federal Law

Despite a recent interpretation of Montana state law that aerial hunting of wolves is not prohibited, doing so runs afoul of federal law.

Indiana Artist Wins California Upland Game Bird Stamp Art Contest

A painting of mountain quail has been chosen by a panel of judges as the winning entry in the 2021-2022 California Upland Game Bird Stamp Art Contest. The painting was created by Jeffrey Klinefelter of Etna Green, Indiana.

Recipe: Honey Ginger Crane

Sandhill crane has earned its reputation as one of the best-eating migratory waterfowl, and can be enjoyed in any dish where tender, delicious protein is desired. This recipe is a great way to enjoy this tasty bird, where the flavor of the meat stands up to the rest of the dish.

Yooper Grouse: A Date with the King

Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is home to some of the most rewarding and torturous grouse habitat in the country. Grouse hunters who flock there wouldn’t have it any other way.

Hunting Theme Requirement for Federal Duck Stamp Removed

As our friends over at Hunter's Leadership Forum have reported, the hunting theme requirement for Federal Duck Stamp artwork has officially been axed.

First Look: Escort Dynamax Semi-Auto Shotgun

Designed to be the perfect combination of speed and comfort, the Escort Dynamax semi-automatic shotgun is loaded with features that maximize both performance and value.

Join the Hunt: When The Spirit’s Right

The moment a hunter encounters a curious spirit is an ideal time to influence a future educator, leader and voter. If we remain prepared for these opportunities, we can take advantage of them.

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