
Last Stop Before Vegas

American Hunter Senior Editor Karen Mehall is preparing to depart for the Safari Club International's Annual Hunters' Convention.

NRA is No. 1 Organization for Hunters

Karen Mehall Phillips offers some closing thoughts on the 143rd NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits.

The Independence Day-Archery Connection

What does Independence Day have to do with a bowhunting blog? Let Karen Mehall Phillips explain.

Thanksgiving in March

Thanksgiving came early this year ... or late, depending on how you figure. Follow along on Karen Mehall's March gobbler hunt!

Lion on the Prowl in Milwaukee?

Dozens of concerned citizens swear they've seen a lion prowling the Milwaukee suburbs. Could such a thing be possible?

2014's Top Compound Bows

Looking for a new compound bow? Karen Mehall Phillips saw 2014's lineup at the ATA and Great American Outdoor Show, and has highlighted some of year's most impressive new models.

Answering the Call2Adventure!

Good friends and good hunting stories set the stage as wife/husband duo Karen Mehall and Phil Phillips get set to speak at the Dallas Safari Club/Venator Foundation's Call2Adventure fundraising event.

(Bow)Hunting Brings People Together!

Last weekend Karen Mehall Phillips traveled to Connecticut to speak at the Dallas Safari Club/Venator Foundation’s Call2Adventure fundraising banquet. The topic at hand was one near and dear to her own heart.

Prep Now for Your Backcountry Hunts!

With early archery seasons coming in August, Karen Mehall Phillips decided it was time to get serious are her preparation. The result? A trip to Magpul's Backcountry Hunter's course in Yakima, Wash.

Drill the Target with Mathews' Chill SDX for Women!

Karen Mehall Phillips swore she'd never shoot another bow after falling in love with Mathews' single-cam Jewel, but the company has turned her head with its new-for-2014 women’s bow—the Chill SDX.

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