MH Tom Hall Lead

Member's Hunt: Where There’s a Will, There is a Way

This latest Member's Hunt comes from Tom Hall of Douglasville, Ga.

Kodiak: Reality TV with a Bear Problem

In the spirit of other popular Discovery shows based in Alaska comes this new series following three hunting families determined to prevail over hardship and danger in one of the remotest places on earth.

The Bear Man and Me: Bear Hunting 101

The Bear Man has pursued jumbo bruins for nearly 50 years and owns one of the most written about outfits in North America.

How to Survive Turkey Season

Turkey season, in a lot of ways, is madness—especially if the gobblers have been giving you the slip. Don't give into the grind! Here's how to survive a challenging spring.

Q&A with Hunting Guide Rachel Ahtila

Ever wondered what it's like to be a hunting guide? Rachel Ahtila, a guide from British Columbia, talks about guiding, guns and her hunting aspirations.

Heartland Therapy

There’s nothing like a few good days in the pheasant-hunting capital of the world to uplift the sprits of a heavy-hearted hunter.

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Squirrel Hunting

If you’re too busy to spend an afternoon chasing bushytails, you’re simply too busy. Here are five reasons why you should invest more time in the squirrel woods.

Remington R-25

Time will tell if the AR design will gain mainstream acceptance with American hunters, but this rifle has certainly opened a big door to that possibility.

The New Remington VersaMax Shotgun

The Remington VersaMax is at home in the upland field, the duck blind and even in the dove field. After all, maximum versatility is what the VersaMax is all about.

Hog Hunting U.S.A.

Taking down hogs is one of the fastest growing, most exciting and most necessary types of hunting today. Here are five top locations for the best action.

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