
Got Goose?

Contributor Brad Fenson shares four simple goose recipes that'll leave your guests coming back for more.

Field Test: Can-Am Defender Mossy Oak Hunting Edition HD10

The Defender Mossy Oak Hunting Edition was developed by a unique team of Mossy Oak and Can-Am pro staff. The features they came up with led to the development of the ultimate hunting unit.

Essential Guns & Gear for A Black Bear Hunt

Are you ready to hunt black bears? Here's the gear you'll need.

Recipe: Chicken Fried Elk Steak

There is something to be said for comfort food—tender steaks with a crisp and crunchy coating, then smothered in gravy screams soothing coziness you can only get from traditional home-cooked meals. Craving some down-home cooking? Try Brad Fenson's chicken fried elk steak.

Recipe: Braised Venison Shank

It's not easy to get the most out of a shank. Let Brad Fenson lend you a hand.

Guns and Gear for a Mule Deer Hunt

Hunting for mule deer this year? Here's what you'll need.

Field Test: Leupold Optics

Contributor Brad Fenson takes a closer look at a bevy of new optics from Leupold.

How to Become a Waterfowl Scout Master

The more you know and the better you play, the more you score—especially if you are where the ducks and geese want to be.

Hunter's How-To: Coping with the Coronavirus Pandemic

Here are a few things hunters can do while holed-up during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Review: Riton X5 Primal Riflescope

The Riton Optics X5 Primal 3X-18X-44mm provides a durable, easily adjustable scope for the discerning hunter. Contributor Brad Fenson takes an in-depth look at the scope's merits.

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