“We put a lot of focus into listening to what our fans and customers want from the next Henry,” says Henry Repeating Arms president and owner, Anthony Imperato. He continues, “Real feedback and product suggestions from people that are out there using our rifles and shotguns carry a lot of weight and it’s what drives a lot of our product development. Our release of the Side Gate Lever Action earlier this year, and these new calibers, are a great example of that.”
That last quotation is in reference to “The Suggestion Box,” a feature Henry recently added to their website, which allows users to submit their firearm idea or concept for Henry to consider in the future. A side-gate lever-action in .45-70 Gov't and .410 bore were two of the top suggestions so far. For more information on these new Henry firearms, please visit henryusa.com. MSRP: $1,045
Additional Reading:
Henry Repeating Arms Introduces New Garden Gun Smoothbore .22
Review: The New Original Henry Rifle
Lever-Gun 101
Henry Repeating Arms Introduces Long Ranger in 6.5 Creedmoor and American Eagle Rifles
Hardware: Henry Single Shot Rifle