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NRA Files Amicus Brief Supporting Firearm Manufacturers

NRA filed an amicus brief supporting firearm manufacturers in a case where the plaintiffs allege that the manufacturers’ pro-Second Amendment social media posts caused a third party to commit a horrific public shooting.

EXPLORE Act Becomes Law

On Jan. 4, the Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreational Experiences (EXPLORE) Act was signed into law, a comprehensive public-lands management package that benefits every outdoor enthusiast, including hunters and conservationists.

USFWS Seeks Public Input to Improve Access to Federal Lands

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is asking the public to identify service-managed lands where people would most like to see new or improved public recreation access.

Translocated Grizzlies in Yellowstone Ecosystem Another Step in Delisting?

Grizzly bears in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem and Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem have populations of bears that have surpassed recovery goals. Is this a step toward delisting?

NRA Extends Partnership with OKDWC

The National Rifle Association of America is pleased to announce the continuation of our partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation thanks to the overwhelming use of NRA’s free Online Hunter Education course by Oklahoma residents and the utilization of the NRA Public Range Fund.

Silencer Central Applauds Suppressor Endorsement from National Medical Organization

Silencer Central applauds the official position on suppressors from the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS/F). The position supports the use of suppressors as vital hearing-protection equipment for shooters.

NRA Protests Shooting Ban at Bears Ears National Monument

The National Rifle Association has joined a group of sportsman's organizations in filing a protest with the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over the BLM’s final management plan curtailing sport shooting opportunities at Bears Ears National Monument (BENM) in Utah.

New Guide to Help Gain and Retain Hunters

The guide is now available for use by practitioners working in the fields of hunting and shooting sports to aid their efforts in recruiting, retaining and reactivating (R3) hunters, target shooters and other outdoor recreationists.

Are You an "Average" Hunter?

The Outdoor Industry Association’s Outdoor Foundation recently released “2023 Special Report: Hunting”—with survey results from 2022—includes information on participation, motivation and demographics.

Lawsuit Claims Emotion Drove the Decision to Limit Coyote Hunting in Michigan

On Sept. 6, Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) and the Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association (MTPCA) filed legal briefs in their lawsuits against the Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC).

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