
Hardware: Ambush Firearms 6.8 SPCII

Most of the employees at Daniel Defense are hunters, and they convinced Marty there is a good market for ARs on the hunting side. As a result, he recently branched out and created Ambush Firearms, a company that makes AR-15 rifles for hunting. The guns have the same quality and attention to performance as the defense models, but in designs by hunters, for hunters.

The New Bang for the Buck

Never hunted with an AR-15 rifle? Try it, you’ll like it. The author did.

Outfitting Your AR For Hunting

Turn today’s modern sporting rifle into the ultimate hunting rig.

Best New Hunting ARs

AR rifles continue to be the fastest selling product segment among long-gun sales. And while the popularity of the platform remains solidly entrenched among competitive shooting, casual plinking and varmint- and predator-hunting crowds, interest continues to expand among more mainstream hunters of both big and small game, especially with the introduction of these hunting-specific models.


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