Lederugged Series

First Look: Hardcore Waterfowl’s Rugged Series Full Body Mallard Decoys

Hardcore Waterfowl has debuted an ultra-realistic and durable set of full-body mallard decoys, specifically for field hunters.

Delta Waterfowl HunteR3 and Duck Production Programs Receive Funding Boost

Grants from Wildlife Habitat Canada have been awarded to Delta Waterfowl to bolster the organization’s Hen House program, as well as HunteR3 recruitment and advocacy efforts.

Cupped Waterfowl Releases Hen Hustler Mallard Call

Cupped Waterfowl’s Hen Hustler can help hunters of all skill levels call in ducks.

Must-Have Waterfowl Gear for 2021

Waterfowlers, check out the gear you need for this season.

2021-2022 Federal Duck Stamps on Sale

The 2021-22 Federal Duck Stamp goes on sale Friday, June 25. The stamps, which cost $25 and raise about $40 million for conservation annually, are valid from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.

Avian-X Introduces Teal Decoy 6-Packs

Avian-X Topflight Teal Decoys, available in Blue-winged Teal, Green-winged Teal or Early Season Teal packs, let hunters target a specific species or hunt mixed flocks of ducks in early season plumage.

Mojo Now Shipping Remote-Ready Teal To Dealers

Just in time for duck season, Mojo Outdoors has begun shipping its Elite Series Green and Blue Wing Teal.

Take a Waterfowl Vacation: 5 Days in Ciudad Obregon

The end of duck season is a sordid affair. Yes, there’s work to be done, with mud and muck encasing nearly everything you own, and the contempt you hold for your alarm clock is palpable. … But why quit now? The best hunting of the year is waiting south of the border.

USFWS Plan to Cut Atlantic Flyway Mallard Limit Opposed by Delta Waterfowl

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, along with the Atlantic Flyway Council, are proposing a reduction in the mallard limit to two birds for the 2019-20 season, both of which may be hens.

Know-How: Eat the Ice for Late-Season Birds

The inevitable frozen honey hole is the bane of waterfowl hunters come late season. Use this tool to fend off the deep freeze.

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