MAINBFR 360 Buckhammer Lifestyle

Magnum Research Announces the 360 Buckhammer BFR

Magnum Research has announced the first handgun to be offered in Remington’s .360 Buckhammer cartridge.

First Look: Magnum Research BFR .500 Linebaugh

Chambered in .500 Linebaugh, the newest Magnum Research BFR features a Bisley grip, brushed stainless-steel construction, a 5-shot cylinder and a 7½-inch stress-relieved barrel.

8 Best Places for Trophy Mule Deer Hunting in North America

A record-book mule deer is one of the most coveted trophies in North America. Here’s a list of states and provinces that consistently produce big bucks.

Top 8 States for Black Bear Hunting

Looking to tag a really big bruin? Here are the best states to do so.

Boomstick Booners: Incredible Stories of Big Bucks

Gross booners are hard to come by. Here are the stories behind seven of them.

#SundayGunday: Magnum Research BFR

Get a closer look at the Magnum Research BFR, the latest addition to our #SundayGunday series.

New for 2020: Magnum Research Custom BFR .45-70 Gov't. Revolver

This massive 17.5-inch-barreled .45-70 BFR from Magnum Research’s custom shop is entirely stainless steel, and features a Hogue rubber grip, adjustable sights, an octagonal barrel and pentagon-shaped 5-round cylinder.

Hardware: Magnum Research BFR .500 Linebaugh

If handgun hunting is on your horizon, look no further than the Magnum Research BFR. The options available are staggering, and the company’s Precision Center offers custom touches that would otherwise cost a premium in the bespoke revolver world.

New World-Record Non-Typical Mule Deer Confirmed by Pope and Young Club

An enormous 40-point muley taken in Saskatchewan in 2018 was confirmed as the new world record by the Pope and Young Club with an official score of 291-⅛ inches.

South Dakota Bighorn Sheep Confirmed New World Record

A special Pope and Young Club judges panel has declared a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep taken in South Dakota in 2018 as the new world record with a final score of 209⅛ inches, surpassing the previous world-record ram by nearly 10 inches.

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