No matter who's on your list, Christmas shopping can be tricky. Fortunately, there's no shortage of gifts out there for a hunter or huntress. That said, finding the right one—particularly on short notice—can be a challenge. We've tried to narrow things down a bit with our annual Christmas Gift Guide.
Though the idea that Turkish-made shotguns aren’t up to snuff remains a common theme in gun shops across the United States, it’s simply not true. If it were the case, companies would have stopped importing them a long time ago. Among the new arrivals is a quirky but intriguing release from ATA Arms in the form of its Venza. Here are five things you need to know.
Since Ram was the first truck maker to debut a diesel engine in a half-ton pickup truck, Chevy went one better and put a diesel engine in a midsize pickup.
Ginny Thrasher, a 19-year-old shooter from Springfield, Va., won the first gold medal of the 2016 Olympic Games for Team USA. Thrasher triumphed over silver medalist Du Li of China by a full point in the women’s 10-meter air rifle event, and she said it all began with a deer hunt.
Fall's nearly here, and you've assuredly already seen Christmas decorations on the shelf of your local big box retailer. The NRA Store is joining the party, too, with the announcement of the 2016 NRA Limited Edition Christmas Mug.
North America's breeding duck population has taken a slight dip in 2016, but remains well-above the long-term average, according to the annual Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey released by Delta Waterfowl.
The fall hunting seasons are rapidly approaching—and anticipation is rapidly building throughout the nation. Those who pursue waterfowl, though, may have reason to give pause, courtesy of a report from Delta Waterfowl. The conservation group is now forecasting a reduced fall duck flight.