
Namibia Crushes Anti-Hunters By Banning All Hunting Bans

Namibia understands where hunters’ dollars go as it welcomes hunters with open arms.

Miley Cyrus Launches Vulgar Social Media Attacks on Hunters, Somehow Ties Her Hatred to Donald Trump

The controversial pop star viciously attacks well-known hunters Kendall Jones and Rebecca Francis while equating the practice of hunting to playing God and interfering with "destiny."

Missouri’s Plan to Control Feral Hogs Doesn’t Include Hunters

The state's proposed changes could ban hog hunting on 2.5 million acres of public land.

NRA-Backed Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act Passes in House

The Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act passes in the House and heads for U.S. Senate!

NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum Announces 2016 Dinner

The NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum has set the date for its 2016 dinner at the upcoming NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Louisville, Ky. The gathering will be held on Thursday, May 18 at The Henry Clay Grand Ballroom.

Zimbabwe Park May Cull 200-Plus African Lions as Drop in Hunter Numbers Stems Species' Overpopulation

What is the fate of a wildlife species—game and non-game alike—when its population becomes unsustainable?

Michigan Repeals Ban on Hunting with Suppressors

NRA-ILA says Feb. 11 marked a great day for hunters as the Great Lakes State legalized hunting with suppressors.

Are 'Friends' Outing Hunters on Facebook?

Anecdotal evidence suggests many hunters and gun owners are receiving Facebook ‘friend’ requests from people they don’t know—folks who aren’t even in their network on the social media forum. Even more onerous is an uptick in the number of hunters recently reported to Facebook for their ‘offensive’ hunting pictures. Is a social media jihad being waged against us on Facebook?

For the Love of Freedom: A Tribute to NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Member Robert M. Lee

As we celebrate the life of NRA HLF member Robert M. Lee (Oct. 2, 1927-Jan. 28, 2016), he forever will be remembered for his dedication to American freedom and to ensuring the NRA, firearms, hunting, shooting sports and wildlife conservation will remain at its core.

Partners in Battle: SCI Invites NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum to SCI Convention to Rally Troops for Cultural War on Hunting

NRA and SCI members and hunters across America are in this fight together as NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum shares 2016 campaign strategy to save the future of hunting.

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