
Do Mechanical Broadheads Fly Just Like Field Points?

Field Editor and BullShooter-in-Chief Jeff Johnston wants to know: Do mechanical broadheads have a different point of impact than their field point brethren?

Will a Foam Target Sharpen Your Broadhead?

Can a foam target really sharpen the edge of your favorite broadhead in a shot or two? Field Editor Jeff Johnston investigates.

Must-Have Archery Accessories

Over the years Jeff Johnston has collected a few pieces of gear that make taking game with a bow slightly easier; others simply make the hunt more enjoyable. Here they are.

Bowhunting: Follow Up or Wait?

There are few things worse than mortally wounding an animal and failing to find it, and sometimes no amount of preparation can guard against the proverbial “stuff” that happens.

Cutting Edge Broadheads

Broadheads, like bullets, are the only objects that actually impart a hunter’s deadly will on game, so their selection, quite literally, is vital. When the arrow leaves the bow, a hunter puts full trust in his broadhead, and because of this, few products arouse such emotion, loyalty and suspicion.

Package Bow Deals for 2015

Most hunters buy bows by going to their local archery pro shop, picking out a bow, and then having the professional adorn it with expensive accessories. Like most other retail products, you’ll pay more for this personalized service, but in most cases you can be assured of a personalized fit. However, if you’ve owned a bow before or you’ve done your research and know exactly what model and size bow you’re after, you can save money by purchasing a package bow from a big box store or mail order operation.

How to Set the Perfect Bow Stand

You’ve found the perfect spot for your treestand, so don’t blow it by being lazy now.

Must-Have New Broadheads for 2015

Bowhunters take note: Here's a look at some of the year's hottest new broadheads.

How to Avoid the Target Archer's Trap

July is prime time to hone your bow-shooting skills and experiment with new equipment. This means 3-D shooting, betting your buddies on shots and seeing if you can hit the bullseye clear across the yard. It’s all good fun and great practice—provided you keep it applicable to bowhunting.

Bowhunter’s Bonanza

As we count down to opening day 2015, manufacturers are dangling innovative new bows that beckon, super-high-tech arrows for the launch pad and maximum-performance broadheads to seal the deal.

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