
Last Minute, Low Dollar Food Plots

You don’t have to be a farmer to learn the best methods to plant and grow supplemental nutrition that attracts whitetails. Follow our nine-step guide without breaking the bank.

How to Make the Most of Your Coyote Calling Partner

You want to kill more coyotes this winter … right? For now, set aside the off-the-wall strategies and gizmos. The simplest answer to more coyotes is to hunt with a partner. Here’s why.

How to Punch Back at Recoil

You acquired that magnum rifle for a reason, but the kick it delivered overwhelmed your desire to take it on that elk hunt. Now it just sits in the safe. Throw any one of these six counterpunches to reduce recoil, and put that prized possession back into action.

How to Take Better Trophy Photos

Close out of Candy Crush and realize that in your hands you hold one of the best cameras for making fabulous trophy photos. Study your smartphone’s camera modes and remember these tips to make memories that hold up forever.

How to Clean a Wild Turkey

So you've killed a turkey. What next?

How to Hunt For Bear and Actually See One

If you’re a bear hunter desperately searching for a way to up your odds, head west in spring, where regional traditions offer an unbeatable opportunity: spot-and-stalk.

Scouting Secrets for Early-Season Bucks

You see a buck across a field in the soft, late light of a summer evening. You tell yourself he isn’t really that big. The velvet on his rack in the diffused light is giving the buck cartoon proportions. But he is big enough. You next look at the woods beyond the buck and wonder how you can get him in your sights in autumn daylight. To make that happen you have to concede and understand a few things.

Know-How: Carry These No-Fail Fire-Starters

The last thing you need is another writer telling you that dryer lint with a little candle wax can get an emergency fire going, or that pine pitch is a natural fire-starter.

How to Waterproof Your Muzzleloader

More than any other firearm, a blackpowder rifle is subject to water seeping into nooks and crannies then failing to fire. But there are several tricks seasoned hunters employ to make sure their smokepoles fire in the rain.

How Big is That Summer Buck, Really?

You see a buck, antlers slathered in velvet, across a field on a humid late-summer evening and think it looks staggeringly big. But the velvet, the buck’s skinny summer neck and the warm glow of light can lead to gross exaggeration in your mind.

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