
Know-How: Bleat Now!

There are basically two types of bleats we can utilize when hunting: a fawn-in-distress bleat and a doe-in-estrous bleat. Here's when you should deploy each.

Upland East Tactics for 2017

Surprising upland opportunities abound in the East. But the wisdom to find them is fading like an old hunter’s hairline.

5 Buck Tips Straight from the Biologists

Here are several things GPS-collar studies are teaching us about how to hunt whitetails, which you can use to your advantage this fall.

Know-How: Stands to Burn

Good whitetail hunters will tell you to find entry and exit routes to stands that are low-impact. That’s wonderful advice, but adhering to it takes a lot of great stands off the table. Look for stands to burn in the pre-rut.

Know-How: Five Elk-Calling Don’ts

Sometimes calling elk is about knowing what not to do.

Know-How: Boots of the Elk Guides

There is perhaps no tougher test for a boot than being strapped to an elk guide’s foot.

First Light: Our Gun Taxes Pay For It

True story: Your tax money does so much good for wildlife and our sports that it is impossible to quantify in one magazine article.

How Big is That Summer Buck, Really?

You see a buck, antlers slathered in velvet, across a field on a humid late-summer evening and think it looks staggeringly big. But the velvet, the buck’s skinny summer neck and the warm glow of light can lead to gross exaggeration in your mind.

Know-How: Enhance Your Killer Instinct

Having trouble making effective shots on moving game? What you need to do is leave the traditional range and shoot in more hunting-realistic scenarios.

Know-How: Cures for Call-Wise Gobblers

How do you teach someone to call in turkeys when the only places he has to go are public lands with pressured birds?

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