Flush to Retrieve

There are certain dog trainers who discourage their retrievers from flushing birds. That sounds like the waste of good potential to Ron Spomer.

SportDOG: Good Reasons to Crate-Train Your Hunting Dog

Crate-training your puppy should be one of his first obedience lessons. Do you crate-train your dogs? Why or why not?

From Field to Frontline

Think German shepherds are the only dogs fit for duty? English springer spaniels and other hunting breeds increasingly are the dogs of choice for bomb sniffing, narcotics detection and search-and-rescue operations.

Cool It

Every year some unaware hunters—both human and canine—keel over from heat prostration. Many of them die. It isn’t necessary. Dave Campbell explains how to keep your favorite hunting buddy safe this season.

Pointing Out a Good Bird Dog

If you love to hunt upland birds like pheasants, grouse and quail, there are some dogs that could give you a few pointers—quite a few.

Start Pups Right

Ron Spomer shares a few tips that will put any puppy on a path to a long, successful and injury-free career in the field.

Study: More Fat, Lower Protein Boosts Dogs' Sense of Smell

Conventional wisdom has long dictated that performance dog food formulas—which experts recommend for active gundogs—ought to contain a high ratio of protein. But has a new study debunked this age old belief?

Why a Hunting Dog?

Guys and gals, if you’re going to put up with the expense and inconvenience of caring for a dog, why not care for one that can return the favor? One that can earn it’s keep? Working dogs are not just useful dogs, but happy, satisfied dogs. Fulfilled dogs. Dogs with a purpose in life.

How to Avoid Opening Day Disasters

Opening day of hunting season! How we love it. How we anticipate it. How we should fear it …

Gundogs: Prime Your Pup

A new puppy is spring incarnate, joy overflowing and trouble down the road if you don’t direct it along the correct path.

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