
Dumb Poachers: Feb. 2013 Edition

The winter 2012-2013 seasons are gradually winding down throughout the country. Quite a few hunters are preparing to close up shop for a few months.

Tales From My Father: Put That Back!

It's nigh impossible to go on a hunting trip without coming back with a few yarns to spin, and another of my favorites involves my dad and his now (long retired) Golden Retriever, Chelsea.

Animal Control Breaks Up Whitetail/Dog Odd Couple

Dogs have long been accepted as man's best friend, but they're pretty social creatures—they can get along with a lot of different species, given time. Locals in Kansas City, Mo., got a glimpse of that first hand this fall when a local stray befriended the neighborhood whitetail, according to this report from The Kansas City Star.

Tales From My Father: Emergency TP

I’ve heard plenty of funny hunting stories over the years, but one of my personal favorites comes from my Dad, set a year so before I was even born and just after my parents had moved in together.

Wade Like a Real Man

I needed a pair of waders. It was that simple. The water was so cold it made me feel like I had been digging in the ice-cold beer cooler at a weekend barbecue for more than five minutes with my feet (gross, I know, but follow me here), only I didn’t come away with a frothy beverage—just cold feet.

Dumb Poacher Stories: Sept. 2012 Edition

Different seasons have opened around the country, and the rest of the fall and winter seasons are just around the corner.

8 Biggest Preseason Blunders

This fall promises to be the best hunting season of your life—but only if you properly prepare. Don't commit these common mistakes.

When Things Go Wrong

Hunts do not always go as planned, as a lifetime outdoors reveals a list of epic failures.

What's Your Dog Thinking? Dog Brain Scan Revealed

I doubt anyone who's owned a dog hasn't occasionally wondered what the dog is thinking. Dogs are an emotive species, with ample facial muscles to show fear, anger, excitement and even joy (have you ever owned a dog that smiled?).

Even More Dumb Poacher Stories

Poachers? Yeah, they're still not very smart. Catch up with some of the world's most disgraceful "hunters" in our latest dumb poacher recap.

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