
SCI to Auction Rare Blue Mammoth Tusks Tonight at 44th Annual Hunters’ Convention

Imagine getting a firsthand peek at a pair of tusks from the Ice Age on display on the SCI show floor! The tusks' size, exceptional curve and amazing blue coloration will bring in thousands of dollars for SCI's hunter advocacy, conservation and education programs.

Sky is the Limit at 2016 SCI Hunters’ Convention

Fun and fellowship are center stage at this year's SCI Hunters' Convention .

Nosler Originals

One doesn’t often get to witness history turning full circle, but that’s exactly what Editorial Director John Zent saw during last week’s Safari Club International convention in Las Vegas, Nev.

Milligan Named SCI’s North American Hunter of the Year

SCI names British Columbia outfitter Bob Milligan its professional hunter off the year.

Last Stop Before Vegas

American Hunter Senior Editor Karen Mehall is preparing to depart for the Safari Club International's Annual Hunters' Convention.

Playing the Numbers Game at the SCI Convention

Safari Club International’s 42nd annual convention may be in Las Vegas, but attendees can play the numbers game without ever entering a casino.

USFWS Suspends Elephant Imports from Zimbabwe, Tanzania

The United States Fish and Wildlife Service suspends importation of sport-hunted elephant trophies from two African countries for 2014.

SCI Sues FWS, Challenges African Elephant Bans

Safari Club International files suit against U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

2015 SCI Hunters' Convention is the Ultimate Hunters' Marketplace

Imagine a big post card that says "Wish You Were Here" as I get set to share highlights from the SCI show in Las Vegas this week!

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