
SCI to Address Recent Listing of African Lion Under Endangered Species Act

With the recent listing of the African lion on the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service now requires American hunters to obtain an import permit for a lion taken on or after Jan. 22. If you’ve booked an African lion hunt or had planned to do so at the SCI Show this week, be sure to attend SCI's special info session on Feb. 6.

Nebraska Approves Mountain Lion Hunting Season

After a five-year hiatus, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has approved a mountain lion hunting season for 2019.

North Dakota Hunter Prevents Mountain Lion Attack

Gary Gorney, of Minot, N.D., was pheasant hunting in the Custer Mine area near Garrison, N.D. on Dec. 26 when he shot and killed a charging mountain lion.

California Officials Kill Aggressive Mountain Lion

California's something of a hotbed for mountain lion sightings. If you recall, a few weeks ago, I shared the video of a cougar taking an early morning stroll through the Hollywood Hills suburbs. Earlier this week, a family a run-in of their own with one of the big cats in nearby Orange County—and the result was substantially scarier.

Anti-Hunters Pushing Trophy Import Bans in NJ and Surrounding States

As animal rights groups lobby for "Cecil’s Laws" in several northeastern states, here is the status of such bills, which only derail African wildlife conservation efforts and punish American hunters.

Know-How: Prepare to Meet a Predator

Thanks to conservation efforts and sometimes over-the-top protective measures, predators are expanding their range across North America. Here’s what to know, what to carry and what to do should you come face to face with fangs and claws.

SCI Litigators Share Updates on the African Elephant and Lion Issues at SCI Convention

Safari Club International is ever vigilant in monitoring the African elephant and lion issues.

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