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The Bigfoot Hunt is On?

Big-game off-season got you feeling blue yet? Don't fret: A craft brewery is offering outdoorsmen and women nationwide a chance to do a little spring and summer hunting—and there's a seven-figure prize up for grabs, too.

Bear Climbs Tree, Walks Tightrope for Meal

What happens when a black bear finds a healthy supply of beaver meat suspended between two trees? Video evidence supplies the answer.

America's Craziest Game Laws

Before you hunt Bigfoot, snap a photo of that cottontail or push a moose out of a plane, you're going to want to check in on Phil Massaro's list of our country's strangest game laws.

Photos: The Leupold Optics 'Wall of Shame'

These scopes have seen better days.

10 Reasons Why Hunting Beats Fishing

While many sportsmen and women hunt and fish, few would pick fishing over hunting if given the choice, and here are 10 reasons why.

Why Can't Deer Hunters Cook?

I was catching up with a friend of mine, who for whatever reason prefers hunting deer to waterfowl, when he mentioned his freezer full of ducks and geese.

How Duck Calls Could Save Your Relationship

One evening many years ago a wise old man was sharing the secrets of life with me over cold drinks. "Tell me, Frank," I said, "What's been the key to your long and healthy marriage?" "Oh, that's easy," he replied, a twinkle in his eye. "If I give up, my wife wins."

Beagle Digests $425

And you thought your dog's training fees were expensive. In two separate incidents over the course of his life, Arnie, a 10-year-old beagle, has sniffed out and eaten a whopping $425 cash.

Myth: A Day Afield Always Tops a Day in the Office

The life of a freelance outdoor writer is not one of glamour. The hours are terrible. Pay is inconsistent. And when you aren't chained to your keyboard, you're busy reminding editors that you think they're super smart.

Tales From My Father: Emergency TP

I’ve heard plenty of funny hunting stories over the years, but one of my personal favorites comes from my Dad, set a year so before I was even born and just after my parents had moved in together.

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