
Member's Hunt: Patience and Persistence

This latest Member's Hunt comes from Nicholas Culler of Frederick, Md.

The 10 New Buck Commandments

Use my new rules to upgrade your game and bust a big deer this fall.

Debunking 6 Deer Hunting Myths

The more deer hunting myths debunked the better. That's a fact. This is my attempt to take down hunting's overused cliches, one fact-less myth at a time.

Full Moon: Good or Bad?

Are you the kind of buck hunter who believes that the full moon absolutely destroys your chances of shooting a good deer?

You Shot a Deer: Now What?

Okay, you shot a deer. Now what should you do? What if there's a problem? Bill Winke has the answer.

Going to the Dogs

There are many advantages to running dogs for deer, but there are also some issues.

Gear for Deer

Here's the latest deer gear you'll want to check out for hunting season direct from the pages of American Hunter magazine.

Don't Discount Midday During Deer Season

Dawn and dusk have magic, but you may well score more often at midday.

The Ones That Got Away: Bucks That Haunt My Dreams

Do you toss and turn late at night over memories of bucks that got away? Our man does, too. Here are a handful of sleep-robbing tales of bucks that never even gave him a shot.

Must-Have Deer Gear for 2023

Here's a look at the newest gear you'll need before heading into the deer woods this season.

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