
How to Take a Tom While Working from Home

As we turkey hunters know, these intelligent birds have a timetable all their own.

5 Tips for Bowhunting Turkeys Without a Blind

Bowhunting from a blind can hamper the ability to be mobile and adapt when turkeys don’t act the way you expect them to. Follow these tips to increase your odds of success when being stationary isn’t an option.

How to Hunt Turkeys in Any Weather

Unpredictable weather is something spring turkey hunters know all too well. Use these tactics to improve your odds of bagging a bird come rain or shine, or snow or wind for that matter.

6 Tips for Windy Weather Gobblers

Harold Knight and David Hale show you how to kill big gobblers on blustery spring days.

Gallery: A Nebraska Spring Turkey Hunt

Nebraska in March can be chilly—even frigid—but that doesn’t stop a band of dedicated hunters intent on hunting spring turkeys. With its diverse terrain and two-bird limit, central Nebraska offers even fanatics an incredible turkey hunting experience, even if at times it may feel like a winter deer hunt.

Turkey Season's Public-Land Play

Field Editor Frank Miniter put his own tips to use this morning.

Ain't Worth a Sit

The Golden Rule of turkey hunting says you can only kill a turkey while sitting down. While this is the preferable position, like all rules, it’s made to broken.

How to Hunt Turkeys in the Rain

Unpredictable weather is something spring turkey hunters know all too well. Use these tactics to improve your odds of bagging a bird in the rain.

Know-How: Be Bossy With The Boss Hen

Logic dictates we play the tom to kill him. However, riling up the dominant hen may be the more attractive option. Here’s how to draw in a gobbler’s main squeeze so you can squeeze the trigger.

Why Spring Turkey Season is Worth It

Spring turkey hunting is the biggest game in town at this time of year, and here's why you should take part.

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