
Bookshelf: The Deep State Revolution

Sid McDaniel finds himself smack dab in the middle of a growing political scandal, with political opponents of a sitting president scrambling to cover his tracks and find a suitable patsy. Many of the themes will be hauntingly familiar to those who follow current-day politics.

5 Books Every Hunter Should Read

From great adventure stories to detailed how-tos, these five books will help shape the way you hunt. Read, learn and enjoy: They are good teachers.

Hunting for Great Literature

In the adventurous world of hunting, there are many great stories and books to make us all gasp, laugh, cry and more. If, as a hunter, you are a reader, odds are your life has been influenced by some of them. If you haven’t yet read enough of them, find them, read them, then pass them on to an aspiring hunter.

Boone and Crockett Club's First Annual Conservation Auction Goes Live March 7, 2021

Hosted on, the auction is open to the public through Mar. 21, and features a wide selection of high-quality and collectible firearms, books, art, knives and more.

Blue Book of Gun Values Announces 41st Edition

The 41st Edition of the Blue Book of Gun Values provides the most comprehensive collection of firearms information and pricing, including the new makes and models for 2020.

Bookshelf: The Ultimate Man's Survival Guide to the Workplace

This practical survival guide includes far-from-PC-topics such as "how to carry while keeping a ready mindset" in a chapter titled “Be a Man of Action in the Workplace.”

Bookshelf: Gunsmithing Modern Firearms

Regardless of your skill level, if you enjoy tinkering with your firearms, this “gun guy’s guide to making good guns even better” is one of the best reference resources available. Pick up a copy and try your hand at one of the most fun yet educational aspects of firearm ownership.

2019 Traveler’s Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States Now Available

Updated for 2019, the 23rd edition of "Traveler’s Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States" is a quick-reference guide that covers everything from transporting a firearm in a vehicle and concealed carry reciprocity to where and how a gun can be carried for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as detailed information for travel to Canada and Mexico.

Book Review: Bear With Me, My Deer

Wildlife biologist David Kocka's often humorous tales highlight the interaction between 8.47 million people and the wildlife that also inhabits Virginia that he finds amusing and at times trying.

Finding the Green Hills of Papa's Africa

Ernest Hemingway’s “Green Hills of Africa” is classic hunting literature. And while its pages have led many to follow the path of the hunter, the actual route of the safari Hemingway used as the basis for his story has, until now, remained elusive.

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