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Press Check

OK, show of hands: Of those of you who strap on a gun everyday—or even many days—how many of you do a press check every time before heading out the door?


Recently Dave Campbell blogged about whether the .223 Rem./5.56 NATO cartridge is an adequate deer round. The response he received demanded a follow-up.

Something Old, Something New

Spending four days with a veritable walking encyclopedia will teach you a few things. Dave Campbell explains.


Every hunter should know exactly where the point of impact is at 25 yards after he has sighted in his rifle. Need a first-hand account as to why? Let Dave Campbell explain.

Cool It

Every year some unaware hunters—both human and canine—keel over from heat prostration. Many of them die. It isn’t necessary. Dave Campbell explains how to keep your favorite hunting buddy safe this season.

Reacquainting With An Old Friend

It's good to reconnect with old friends, especially when they're Smith & Wesson Model 27's.

Transporting Loaded Ammo

Dave Campbell shares a few poignant tips regarding traveling with ammunition.

Redneck Bowling

Dave Campbell's been off the grid for a little bit, thanks to a computer virus. He put the time to good use, though. Find out what he's been up to while he was away.

A Simply Rugged—and Beautiful—Holster

Dave Campbell isn't easy to impress—that didn't stop the folks at Simply Rugged Holsters, though.

Winter Reading

When it's 9 degrees and the wind won't quit, Dave Campbell's just fine with relaxing in his recliner, good book in hand. Here are a few of the gems he's found over the years.

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