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Suppressors Legalized for Hunting in North Carolina

North Carolina is now the 40th state to legalize hunting with suppressors.

What Hunters Need to Know About Suppressors

Today more American hunters are realizing the benefits of suppressors. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions about their ownership and use.

Shooting the New Salvo 12 Shotgun Suppressor

Field Editor Brian McCombie had a chance to put SilencerCo's new Salvo 12 shotgun suppressor to good use. How does it sound and feel? Find out here.

SilencerCo Shotgun Suppressor Hits Market

SilencerCo has debuted a shotgun suppressor, the Salvo 12. The Salvo 12 is made to suppress a 12-gauge shotgun firing 23/4-inch or 3-inch slugs or wadded shot.

Top 5 Suppressors for Hunting

Suppressors mitigate a rifle’s report to decibel thresholds deemed safe by OSHA, enhance accuracy and lessen recoil. Here are the top five suppressors fit for various hunting scenarios.

Why Suppressors Are the Future

Silencer Central has made a business from offering class-leading products and customer service second to none.

Silent Fall: Hunting with Suppressors

The use of silencers, er, suppressors, by American hunters is a long overdue trend.

Win a Prize Pack From SilencerCo and SOG Knives

SilencerCo and SOG Knives have combined to offer consumers the chance to win a prize pack that features some of each company's most popular products.

SilencerCo Launches Suppressor-Optimized Ammunition

SilencerCo has launched its new line of Harvester Subsonic 300 BLK high-performance ammunition, which has been designed to product optimal performance in suppressor-equipped firearms.

Is Your Suppressor Tight?

With more and more states legalizing the common sense practice of hunting with suppressors to protect our hearing, more hunters than ever will take their rifles afield this year with new devices attached to their muzzles.

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