
Recipe: Wild Boar Meatballs

Boar hunting has grown increasingly popular—but what to do with the meat? Georgia Pellegrini offers up a meatball recipe that will please any crowd.

Lessons from Girl Hunter Weekends

AmericanHunter.org contributor Georgia Pellegrini regularly hosts her own "Girl Hunter Weekends." Here's what she's been learning from the largely all-female trips.

Cumin Crusted Venison Loin Recipe

Try this venison loin recipe for a quick and easy weekday meal.

Six Secrets that Professional Chefs Will Never Share... Until Now!

You don't get to be a professional chef without knowing a thing or two about cooking—and in order to protect your job, you have to protect the tricks of the trade. Georgia Pellegrini has spilled the beans on a few professional secrets, though—and you should consider putting them to use on your wild game dishes this summer.

Five On-the-Grill Game Meats to Try

The dog days of summer have arrived, and the backyard cookouts are plentiful. Still have some game meat to clear out of your freezer before the fall's new harvest arrives? Here are five on-the-grill recommendations from Georgia Pellegrini.

Barbecued Alligator

Are you in gator country, or at the very least close enough to get your hands on some meat? If so, Georgia Pellegrini's got a finger-food recipe you'll definitely want to roll out at your next gathering.

How to Build a Well-Stocked Larder or Pantry

When it comes time to put all those delicious wild game recipes to use, you'll want to be prepared. So how can you go about building a larder or pantry that's just as self-sufficient as your protein stores? Georgia Pellegrini has a few recommendations.

Game-Day Substitutions

Here are some of Georgia Pellegrini's favorite go-to recipes from across the web that incorporate wild game into the menu, both as main course options and simple finger food for game day.

Wild Duck Fried Rice

There are certain recipes that are so versatile that they are a perfect place to incorporate your favorite wild game—especially those extra scraps that you don’t know what to do with. Georgia Pellegrini's Wild Duck Fried Rice is one tasty example.

How to Convert a Picky Eater to Wild Game

Here are some helpful hints to utilize when serving game meat to the more “selective” palates.

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