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Why Deer Shed Their Antlers

It's officially shed hunting season. As our addiction to this phase of the hunting year grows, so does our need to learn more. Whether it's helping you learn how this process works or throwing out a few tips to help find those trophy sheds, we'll be here to cover it.

Seven Things You Didn’t Know About Wild Turkeys

The wild turkey has captivated (and baffled) hunters for decades. Here are seven things you probably didn't know about North America's largest game bird.

Trail Cameras on the Cheap

All I want a trail camera to do for me is take a decent picture of critters that walk in front of it. I want to know when they came by, and don’t really care about video. If it tells me the barometric pressure and moon phase that’s cool, but not essential. I want it to be reliable and, after working with cameras for a while, I know I prefer an infrared camera over those with a white flash because the flash will scare the dickens out of any self-respecting mature buck.

Four Innovative New Archery Products

The last couple of years the archery industry hasn't coughed up truckloads of innovative new products that will make a difference in either your ability to place an accurate arrow on target, or be a more successful bowhunter.

How to Stay Sharp with Your Bow During the Off-Season

Deer season is seven months away? Eight months? Something like that.

Cheap Spring Black Bear Hunts for 2011

Bob Robb shares six outfitters with comfortable camps, good equipment and high success rates for black bear hunting this spring.

Bowhunters: How Far is Too Far?

Few arguments heat up a bowhunting camp debate quicker than the subject of distances at which a skilled hunter should actually take a bow shot at a big game animal.

Making Sense of Scents

Using scent is common during the rut. Many of my buddies swear by various forms of doe-in-estrous scents and would probably be more comfortable on stand if they forgot their rangefinder than their favorite scent.

Full Moon: Good or Bad?

Are you the kind of buck hunter who believes that the full moon absolutely destroys your chances of shooting a good deer?

Should You Move Your Stand?

During the whitetail rut there are two schools of thought when it comes to hanging stands.

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