
FOX News Airs Latest Round of Attack Ads Exposing HSUS Deception

Viewers are will get the scoop on HSUS’ fraudulent fundraising tactics this week as HumaneWatch.org’s anti-HSUS ads hit the “The O’Reilly Factor” and “The Kelly File.”

National Hunting Debate: Why We Need to Win, Why We Will Win

Next week a lot of people who normally give no thought to hunting will hear reasoned arguments for all the good it does. A nationwide audience including representatives from the media, academia and public-policy institutions will be paying attention on Wednesday, May 4, from 6:45–8 p.m., when the syndicated radio program Intelligence Squared U.S. (IQ2US) hosts a live debate titled “Hunters Conserve Wildlife” at New York City’s Kaufman Center.

NRA HLF Awards Grant to Establish Hunting Heritage Endowment

The NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum has awarded a $50,000 challenge grant to the First Hunt Foundation to help establish the Hunting Heritage Endowment and provide for on-the-ground mentoring work.

Super Bowl Ad Uncovers HSUS Donor Fraud

Millions of viewers learned about the fraudulent fundraising tactics of the HSUS last night, thanks to this Super Bowl ad.

NRAHLF.org Contributor Recognized for Excellence

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum contributor Tim Flanigan of Bedford, Pa., received the Mason-Dixon Outdoor Writers Association’s (M-DOWA) First Place Talbot Denmead Memorial Award for “Best on Conservation and/or the Environment,” for “Who Really Cares About Conservation,” his article published at NRAHLF.org.

Anti-Hunting Billboard Misleads Park Visitors

A billboard reading, “Wanna see bears? SAY NO! TO TROPHY HUNTING,” was spotted by NRAHLF.org contributor Keith Crowley just outside Yellowstone National Park. The sign stands as a grizzly-sized testament to the anti-hunting crowd’s ignorance on the matter of wildlife management.

The NRA’s Campaign to Save Hunting

Fueled by passion and political clout, the NRA goes on record to save hunting’s future.

NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum

A brand new NRA program will raise money and awareness for the benefit of hunting and hunters nationwide.

NRA Hunters Lead the Fight in Culture War

Launched in April, the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum assembles a collection of leaders from across the hunting world dedicated to the enrichment and growth of the NRA’s mission to promote and defend hunting.

NRA Staff Spotlight: Susan Recce

Meet NRA staff member Susan Recce.

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