
The Rut Hunter’s Trifecta

Maybe you have a sure-thing rut stand, a place of your own where pleasant memories of big bucks tagged play in your head like a deer-hunting show marathon. Good for you. Now go away; this is for the rest of us who must constantly scout, look for new properties and put in the time for our dream bucks.

How to Hunt Chukar, the ‘Devil Bird’

Many swear off a chukar hunt out West because they don’t want any part of the challenging terrain the birds call home, but there is a method to this upland madness. And if you unlock it, you just may find yourself hooked on the “devil bird.”

How to Hunt Silent Elk

To hunt elk that give you the silent treatment, you must focus on necessities they need all year: water, food and refuge from predators.

Study Up to Find Your Rut Stand

Again and again, GPS-collar movement studies of whitetails find that mature bucks are individuals. There are types, sure. Just as some middle-aged men are homebodies and others like to be out and about, there are categories we can put bucks in—but that really doesn’t help you decipher the specific pattern of an individual deer.

How to Hunt Timber-Dwelling Bucks

Edge habitat is not the only place to find a good buck. But hunting pressure and heat, and attractants like mast crops and scrape lines, may keep a buck away from edges longer than you’d like. Here’s how to hunt the woods to your advantage.

How to Deer Hunt Each Week of the Rut

Here’s a game plan for each phase of the whitetail rut.

18 Places Pressured Bucks Find Sanctuary

Understanding how pressured deer react is the first step in figuring out where they go once hunters begin trudging afield.

Tips for Hunting Pre-Rut Mule Deer

Just before the breeding season bucks make seemingly random decisions, forcing us to analyze their habitat’s food, water and cover and how each factor influences their behavior.

6 Tips for Hunting Public-Land Mule Deer

There’s nothing easy about tagging a mule deer on public land, but for those willing to put in the time and effort, the reward can be exceptional. Try these tips to increase your odds of success this season.

8 Tips for a Successful DIY Elk Hunt

The most successful DIY elk hunters are those who are intimately familiar with the quarry’s habits and employ different strategies, depending on the situation. Here are eight tips that will increase your odds of tagging a bull on public land.

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