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Woman “Buttstrokes” Bear with Shotgun, Saves Husband

Gerre Ninnemann was staying at his Silver Cliff, Wis., cabin when heard a commotion. He looked out a window and—to his horror—a black bear was chasing his dog. He went outside to call the dog into the cabin. The dog made it, but Ninnemann wasn’t so lucky.

Teen Kicks Gator, Unsurprisingly Gets Attacked

A Florida teen kicked what he thought to be a log while swimming—and soon found himself at the mercy of an angry alligator.

Woman Mauled by Feral Cats

A pack of feral cats attacked a woman in France—and managed to pierce an artery in doing so.

Wolves Kill Wisconsin Hunting Dogs in Four Attacks

Four hunting dogs have been reported killed by wolves this month in Wisconsin.

That Time a Jaguar Killed a "Crocodile"

A photographer in Brazil was able to capture a series of photos depicting a jaguar's ambush of a yacaré caiman.

Grouse Hunter Kills Mauling Black Bear

Why did the grouse hunter carry a gun? In case of a bear attack, of course. Unfortunately, the unlikely scenario became a frightening reality for one Wisconsin man and his dog.

Owl Attacks Rabbit Trapper's Face

Kevin O'Neil of Nova Scotia can confirm that owl's do, in fact, have large talons.

Shoot Bear Where?

Stopping a bear charge requires quick action and good aim.

Bears Destroy Mock Campsite, Lone Cooler Survives

ZooMontana decided to give patrons a first-hand look at the destructive power of grizzlies in the most realistic way possible: putting the bears in a mock campsite.

Woman Attacked by Duck Files $275,000 Lawsuit

An Oregon women has filed a $275,000 lawsuit against the owner of a duck that allegedly attacked her in 2012. Kyle Wintersteen has so many questions.

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