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Is "Dangerous Game Hunting" Really That Dangerous?

The Myth: Dangerous game hunting isn’t really that dangerous.

Top 10 African Game Animals

Man, how do you possibly rank the top ten African game animals? Contributor Philip Massaro is going to try.

South African Blog Post Urges Nation’s Hunting Community to Put Its Best Foot Forward Through Social Media

A member of the South African hunting community issues a wake-up call explaining the way to beat the antis at their own social media game is to take control--and take advantage--of today's online social media tools.

Birth of a Lioness

The author had fond memories of hunting with his mother. Little did he know how fond he would become of hunting with the mother of his children.

How to Prepare for an African Safari

Well, you’ve done it; you’ve taken the plunge and booked your African safari. Your passport is secured, flights are booked, and your rifle is sighted in and ready to rock. But what comes next?

African Experience: Episode 1

We're proud to officially launch American Hunter's African Experience, our new, online-exclusive video series. We invite you to join your fellow American hunters as they fulfill dreams and make lasting memories on the Dark Continent. First up is former NRA Board Member Bill Carter, who recently visited Africa with one thing in mind: killing a waterbuck.

How to Plan Your First African Safari

Africa is a bucket-list destination for many American hunters. The good news is, it can be surprisingly affordable when compared to other big-game hunts in the States. Here are a few things you should know before booking your first safari.

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