
Declining Duck Numbers are Still Above Long-Term Averages

The USFWS has just released its 2018 Waterfowl Population Status Report. While dry spring conditions are to blame for recent declines, the majority of population numbers are still above their long-term averages.

Are Eastern Cougars Breeding?

Until someone runs over Bigfoot, no roadkill will equal the fame achieved by a 3-year-old male cougar that got SUV’d in June 2011 near Milford, Conn., on the Wilbur Cross Parkway.

2017 Waterfowl Forecast Released, Duck Population Numbers Remain High

The 2017 Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey was released in August, and things are looking good for North America’s duck population, considering the 2017 survey is the fifth highest annually reported total breeding duck population since the start of the survey in 1955.

Delta Waterfowl Releases Annual Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey

North America's breeding duck population has taken a slight dip in 2016, but remains well-above the long-term average, according to the annual Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey released by Delta Waterfowl.

How to Find the Right Gundog Breeder

While most breeders of sporting dogs are in it for the right reasons—namely to benefit their chosen breeds—anytime an endeavor involves the exchange of money, not everyone will operate above board. So, here’s how to find and vet potential breeders to ensure your goals and expectations align with their puppy program.

What the Big Waterfowl Survey Numbers Tell Us about This Year’s Duck Season

Can we assume that an estimated eight percent jump in breeding ducks means we'll all see more birds at our blinds come fall?


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