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The Five Types of Bird Hunters

I bet someone you know fits into one of these categories.

Grouse Hunter Shoots, Kills Wolf at 8 Yards

A hunter was pursuing ruffed grouse with his bird dog near Park Rapids, Minn., when all heck broke loose. There was a commotion, and the dog ran back toward the hunter with a wolf hot on its heels.

An Extremely Polite Bird Hunt

A veteran grouse hunter finds out why fast-flushing birds of the Deep South are regarded as gentlemanly.

Memories Earned: A New England Grouse Hunt

In the woods of New England sparks of truth reveal days spent grouse hunting are always perfect, the shots always true, even if the birds don’t always cooperate.

Western Bird Bonanza

You, your friends and dogs can park the truck, lace up your boots and walk an upland hunter's dream. Just go west.

Grouse Hunter Kills Mauling Black Bear

Why did the grouse hunter carry a gun? In case of a bear attack, of course. Unfortunately, the unlikely scenario became a frightening reality for one Wisconsin man and his dog.

Why Anti-Logging Policies are Killing Grouse and Woodcock

Meanwhile woodcock have annually declined 1.2-percent since 1968—that means 800,000 fewer male woodcock than in the early 1970's. What can be done? Kyle Wintersteen takes a closer look.

Member's Hunt: Taste of Sage

NRA member Roy F. Heilman of Shoreview, Minn., decided to take advantage of a last-chance opportunity to hunt sage grouse with his trusted gundog, Johann. This is his story.

Go West for Early Birds and Lots of ’Em

They say the early bird gets the worm, but the early hunter gets the bird. Lots of birds, especially out West where seasons open as early as late August.

How to Bowhunt Blue Grouse

When you're already in the high country chasing Western big game, don't forget to be on the lookout for a tasty blue grouse!

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