
The Bear Man and Me: Bear Hunting 101

The Bear Man has pursued jumbo bruins for nearly 50 years and owns one of the most written about outfits in North America.

25 Things Every Hunter Should Know

Everything from offroad driving to backcountry first-aid—25 skills you just can't do without.

How to Be a Hunting Client

What exactly are the standards for excruciatingly correct behavior on a guided hunt?

5 Reasons Why Hunting Alaska is Better Than Africa

Generally speaking, hunting in Alaska is more expensive than hunting African plains game. But if Bob Robb had to choose one, he’d take Alaska every time. Here's why.

5 Reasons Why Hunting Africa is Better Than Alaska

If you compare them head-to-head, Africa offers more of everything a hunter wants. Let’s pit the Great White North against the Dark Continent point-by-point.

Guided Hunting Trips Gone Wrong

Guided hunting horror stories. If you have been at it long enough, you’ve heard about them from friends. Check out these five ways to avoid getting ripped off.

Flying With a Gun: 8 Tips for Airborne Hunters

Airborne hunters can fly with firearms without much hassle if they know what to expect and how to deal with the most commonly encountered hiccups.

When African Animals Attack

No other hunting destination on earth sees as many fatalities and injuries as Africa. Read the details of some of the Dark Continent's most vicious encounters.

A Beagle I’ll Never Forget

Every young hunter should have a dog to lead him into the wild, but Barney did much more than that.

Elephant on the Galana

An elephant license and 50 miles along the Galana River to hunt Kenya’s famed elephant country were pretty special back in 1970.

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