John Seerey-Lester on Legends of the Hunt

John Seerey-Lester talks about his latest book, Legends of the Hunt.

AHTV: GAMO Airguns in Texas

AHTV: GAMO Airguns in Texas

Guided Hunting Trips Gone Wrong

Guided hunting horror stories. If you have been at it long enough, you’ve heard about them from friends. Check out these five ways to avoid getting ripped off.

A Beagle I’ll Never Forget

Every young hunter should have a dog to lead him into the wild, but Barney did much more than that.

Elephant on the Galana

An elephant license and 50 miles along the Galana River to hunt Kenya’s famed elephant country were pretty special back in 1970.

Desperate Measures: Last Resort Turkey Tactics

The gobbler tactics divulged here might be unconventional, they might even be eccentric, but in theory they all work…well, they’re at least funny.

The Pass-Along Shotgun

Some guns are meant to be passed from one shooter to another. Sometimes sooner than we'd like.

The Good Old Days?

When I was young (how I regret that phrase), the old guys used to bore me with stories of how much better the hunting was, how much better the guns were, how much better—and simpler—cars and trucks were or even how much prettier the girls were when they were young. Now that I am among the old guys I am sometimes tempted to wax similarly. But was it really better 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years ago?

More Dumb Poacher Stories from 2011 hates letting attempted misdeeds go un-laughed at. Read on for more dumb poacher stories from 2011.

Farmer's Shotgun Blast Halts Rabid Bear

Some marvel at the terminal energy of the .338 Lapua. Others do the same for the .50 BMG. Personally it's the versatility and power of the 12-gauge shotgun that most intrigues me. Its close-range energy is just devastating—the equivalent of about four simultaneous rounds of .45 ACP.

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